Chamber Piano Concerto – obligatory piece
Concours International de Piano d’Orléans remains the world’s only international piano competition exclusively devoted to 20th and 21st century music. The participants who will reach the finals will perform the Chamber Piano Concerto by Agata Zubel as a test piece. The soloists will be accompanied by Ensemble Intercontemporain under Simon Proust.
Compositrices L’égalité en acte
A new book on women composers. A chapter on Agata Zubel by Michèle Tosi. France Musique Editions
The PWM Composer of the Month
Nearly all of Agata Zubel’s compositions have been released by the national publisher. In January, in order to honour the Composer of the Month, PWM published a special article and offered promotional prices for her works.
Ensemble 2E2M – Composer in Residence 2019
At the invitation of 2e2m ensemble Agata Zubel will be composer in residence in Paris in 2019.
Erste Bank Kompositionspreis 2018
Agata Zubel is the winner of this year’s Erste Bank Kompositionspreis.
Concerts from Donaueschingen on the Internet
Radio SWR has broadcast online a recording of Cikada Ensemble concert at the Donaueschinger Musiktage, featuring the premiere of “Chamber Piano Concerto” with pianist Ingfrid Breie Nyhus.
Coryphaeus of Polish Music Award 2018
Three premiers of Agata Zubel’s “Fireworks”: at the Festival Chopin and his Europe in Warsaw, Young Euro Classic in Berlin and BBC Proms in London won EVENT OF THE YEAR award.
Premiere in Donaueschingen
“Chamber Piano Concerto” – new composition commissioned by SWR will be premiered on October 20th during Donaueschinger Musiktage, performed by Ingfrid Breie Nyhus and Cikada Ensemble.
European Composer Award 2018
After the premiere in Berlin during the Young Euro Classic Festival (Konzerthaus 14 VIII 2018) composition “Fireworks” received European Composer Award 2018.
Warsaw Autumn 2018
Autumn in Warsaw – Warsaw Autumn x3 : 27.IX Bildbeschreibung – Klangforum Wien, Zubel, Wörner, Engel 28.IX Violin Concerto – European Workshop for Contemporary Music, Duda, Bohn 28.IX Meet the Composer and Composition Workshop: Agata Zubel